Monday, November 1, 2010

Marvellous Maura and the Under 12 President

This is Marvellous Maura, (MM), reporting from the sitting room of James, a ten year old who's obsessed with  football and eating sweets. I've interupted James on his playstation.
MM: 'So James, if you were President, what's the first policy you would bring into law?
James: (looking up wearily from his playstation) 'I'd ban homework. It's a stupid idea because it stops me from having fun when I get home from school. It takes up far too much time and I've already been in school all day so why do I need to do more work when I get home.'
MM: 'Anything else you'd like to ban, James?'
James: 'No, that'd be my number one law, No Homework, EVER!
MM: 'Thank you James for your suggestion. If anyone under 12 years of age wants to comment on James's No Homework policy or add any policies themselves, I'd be delighted to hear from you. Bye for Now, MM.

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